Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Letter #2

Dear @TheFray,

Today I want to tell you about the song "Heaven Forbid." You guys already know about the song, the meaning etc. But let me give it a new meaning….let me tell you what it means to me:

When I was a senior in high school, I was having a really low point. I felt like I didn't know what I was doing in life; there were a lot of issues I was having with my self esteem and what direction I should take. And I remember how one day I just lost it. I couldn't handle the feelings bottled up inside. I can only remember two things: feeling like I was losing my mind, and crying in my car, listening to this song over and over again, starting to feel comforted. These words never left me after that day:

Hold on tight, wait for tomorrow, you'll be alright.

I was feeling so alone, like no one understood. Then those words kept repeating as I kept replaying the song, and I really felt like I could hold on, and that everything would in fact be alright. Ever since that day, whenever I have a bad day or feel like I can't hang in there, I listen to "Heaven Forbid" until I feel like I can.

I wish everyone could really believe that they'll be alright, no matter what they're going through. Being a Christian, I truly believe that God only gives us trials we can handle. We just have to keep pushing through, climbing those mountains til we reach the top, and weathering the storms til we see the sun shine again.

Heaven Forbid has been a musical safe haven. I go to the song often. I am so grateful for this song, and I hope that my experience does it some justice in giving it just another chance to help someone in this world.


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